Weekend Domestic Chart for September 6, 1991

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) Dead Again Paramount Pi… $4,366,330 -31% 789 +44 $5,534 $17,325,031 3
2 (3) Terminator 2: Judgment Day Sony Pictures $3,106,995 -42% 1,800 -88 $1,726 $187,253,083 10
3 (2) Child's Play 3 Universal $3,003,305 -47% 2,130 +4 $1,410 $9,673,095 2
4 (4) Hot Shots! 20th Century… $2,716,490 -49% 1,891 -30 $1,437 $58,705,364 6
5 (5) Doc Hollywood Warner Bros. $2,684,494 -45% 1,664 -15 $1,613 $43,276,390 6
6 (6) The Doctor Walt Disney $2,303,383 -48% 926 +4 $2,487 $28,556,098 7
7 (7) Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Warner Bros. $2,104,058 -33% 1,506 -69 $1,397 $153,118,105 13
8 (8) Double Impact Sony Pictures $1,552,532 -36% 1,430 -136 $1,086 $25,667,099 5
9 (9) City Slickers Sony Pictures $1,477,541 -25% 1,215 +195 $1,216 $114,387,110 14
10 (11) Boyz n the Hood Sony Pictures $1,272,219 -29% 926 +49 $1,374 $50,977,803 9
11 (12) Paris is Burning Academy Ente… $219,614 -27% 87 +6 $2,524 $2,025,251 26
12 (13) Thousand Pieces of Gold Greycat Films $8,582 -56% 6 n/c $1,430 $631,840 20
13 (14) Suburban Commando New Line $6,606 -54% 10 n/c $661 $509,767 12
13 $24,822,149
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