Daily Domestic Chart for Friday November 19, 2010

See also: Nov 19, 2009 Daily Chart - Nov 12, 2010 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 N Harry Potter and the Deat… Warner Bros. $61,684,550     4,125 $14,954 $61,684,550 1
2 (1) Unstoppable 20th Century… $4,057,443 +202% -49% 3,209 $1,264 $32,919,357 8
3 (3) MegaMind Paramount Pi… $3,717,933 +282% -52% 3,779 $984 $97,018,531 15
4 (2) Due Date Warner Bros. $2,891,921 +177% -48% 3,229 $896 $66,411,333 15
5 N The Next Three Days Lionsgate $2,221,761     2,564 $867 $2,221,761 1
6 (4) Morning Glory Paramount Pi… $1,610,633 +160% -48% 2,544 $633 $16,233,536 10
7 (5) Skyline Universal $1,081,565 +128% -77% 2,883 $375 $15,293,340 8
8 (6) Red Summit Enter… $713,821 +113% -55% 2,034 $351 $81,820,743 36
9 (7) For Colored Girls Lionsgate $650,919 +110% -67% 1,216 $535 $32,790,616 15
10 (14) Fair*Game Summit Enter… $381,411 +348% +36% 386 $988 $2,650,138 15
11 (10) Paranormal Activity 2 Paramount Pi… $301,969 +93% -71% 1,101 $274 $82,939,739 29
12 (9) Secretariat Walt Disney $267,083 +62% -60% 1,010 $264 $55,673,677 43
13 (8) Saw 3D Lionsgate $265,049 +52% -72% 806 $329 $44,706,195 22
14 (-) 127 Hours Fox Searchlight $258,934 +520% +87% 108 $2,398 $1,244,737 15
15 (12) The Social Network Sony Pictures $250,633 +104% -55% 571 $439 $88,559,420 50
16 (11) Jackass 3D Paramount Pi… $225,905 +48% -71% 687 $329 $115,582,996 36
- (15) Life as We Know It Warner Bros. $171,402 +106% -61% 558 $307 $51,265,985 43
- N Guzaarish UTV Communic… $135,704     108 $1,257 $135,704 1
- (13) Hereafter Warner Bros. $80,461 -25% -80% 403 $200 $31,980,677 36
- (-) Despicable Me Universal $62,980 +208% -38% 268 $235 $248,963,020 134
- (-) The Town Warner Bros. $58,094 +73% -58% 165 $352 $90,830,875 64
- (-) Hubble 3D Warner Bros. $49,631 +7% -17% 57 $871 $18,255,679 246
- (-) Inception Warner Bros. $46,811 +125% -38% 198 $236 $291,961,256 127
- (-) Conviction Fox Searchlight $46,285 -16% -74% 190 $244 $6,308,079 36
- (-) Alpha and Omega 3D Lionsgate $42,994 +894% +125% 252 $171 $24,650,287 64
- (-) Wall Street 2: Money Neve… 20th Century… $32,411 +108% -36% 185 $175 $52,244,759 57
- (-) Waiting for Superman Paramount Va… $28,239 -32% -59% 204 $138 $6,049,694 57
- (-) Legend of the Guardians: … Warner Bros. $21,072 +192% -57% 138 $153 $54,411,929 57
- (-) Easy A Sony Pictures $19,793   -64% 105 $189 $57,601,521 64
- (-) Under the Sea 3D Warner Bros. $13,065 +76% -23% 13 $1,005 $24,835,404 645
- (-) Stone Overture Films $9,318 +3% -58% 55 $169 $1,686,828 43
- (-) Nowhere Boy Weinstein Co. $8,919 +18% -55% 60 $149 $1,369,401 43
- (-) Let Me In Overture Films $6,328 +8% -61% 85 $74 $12,098,866 50
- (-) It's Kind of a Funny Story Focus Features $6,321 +27% -57% 46 $137 $6,335,012 43
- (-) Catfish Universal $2,790 +1% -63% 13 $215 $3,214,388 64
- (-) Cool It Roadside Att… $2,464 -42% -71% 42 $59 $44,665 8
- (-) Wild Target Freestyle Re… $1,707 +97% -3% 7 $244 $60,326 22
- (-) Jack Goes Boating Overture Films $1,547 -11% -56% 18 $86 $518,487 64
- (-) Violet Tendencies Embrem Enter… $728 +183% +54% 1 $728 $10,054 15
- (-) The Tillman Story Weinstein Co. $717 -40% -71% 11 $65 $787,285 92
- (-) Winter's Bone Roadside Att… $295 +22% -27% 4 $74 $6,224,702 162
Our box office charts are compiled from data provided to us by distributors. To be included on our charts, please send reports to bodata@the-numbers.com.