Damian Roman

Best known as a Supporting Actor based on a credit in that role in 1 film, with $4,126,617 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #59,107)
Best-known acting roles: Benny White (Emergo)

Career Summary

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
As an ActorSupporting1$256$4,126,361$4,126,617

Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists

See the Acting Credits tab for all Acting Box Office Records and the Technical Credits tab for all Technical Box Office Records.

Featured DVD / Blu-ray Review: Apartment 143

October 6th, 2012

Apartment 143 is a horror film that opened in limited release. If you pay attention to limited releases, you should know how poorly that genre tends to do in limited release, but even so, this film missed expectations. Is it as bad as its box office numbers? Or is it just a case of the wrong genre? Or perhaps Found Footage is just overdone? More...

All Technical Credits