Avery Lee Jones

Best known as a Puppeteer based on a credit in that role in 1 film, with $158,952,243 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #8)
Best-known technical roles: Goosebumps (Puppeteer)
Most productive collaborators: Jack Black, Rob Letterman, Deborah Forte, Dylan Minette, Odeya Rush

Career Summary

Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
In Technical RolesPuppeteer1$80,069,458$78,882,785$158,952,243

2018 Preview: October

October 1st, 2018

First Man

September turned out to be a solid month. The Nun beat expectations to become a $100 million hit, while there were also several midlevel hits in the mix. Granted, it lost ground when compared to last September, but last September broke records, and this September held on better than expected. Hopefully this means October will be able to continue 2018’s winning ways. There are several potential $100 million hits, starting with Venom and A Star is Born, which open the first weekend. Meanwhile, both First Man and Halloween could break the century mark later in the month. By comparison, last October, no movie topped $100 million, with Blade Runner 2049 coming the closest. 2018 should extend its lead over 2017 during the full month, potentially by a significant margin. More...

All Acting Credits

All Technical Credits

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Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
Oct 16, 2015Goosebumps Puppeteer-Slappy Puppeteer $80,069,458$78,882,785$158,952,243
Averages $80,069,458$78,882,785$158,952,243
Totals 1 $80,069,458$78,882,785$158,952,243