Most Popular Movies 1948

This chart shows the 1948 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 1948 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 1948 - Top 1948 Worldwide

The Red Shoes
Director: Michael Powell
Initial Theatrical Release: July 22, 1948 (Limited) (United Kingdom)
Classification: Based on Folk Tale/Legend/Fairytale, Drama, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
International BO:

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The Three Musketeers
Director: George Sidney
Initial Theatrical Release: October 20, 1948 (Wide) by MGM
Keywords: Action Adventure, Set in France, Royalty, Romance, Infidelity, 1600s
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Action, Live Action, Historical Fiction
Domestic BO:

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3 Godfathers
Director: John Ford
Initial Theatrical Release: December 1, 1948 (Limited)
Classification: Original Screenplay, Western, Live Action, Historical Fiction

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For the Love of Mary
For the Love of Mary
Director: Frederick de Cordova
Lead Roles: Deanna Durbin, Edmond O’Brien, Don Taylor, Jeffrey Lynn
Initial Theatrical Release: September 1, 1948 (Limited) by Universal
Keywords: Romance
Classification: Original Screenplay, Musical, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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Kiss the Blood Off My Hands
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands
Director: Norman Foster
Lead Roles: Joan Fontaine as Jane Wharton, Burt Lancaster as Bill Saunders, Robert Newton as Harry Carter
Initial Theatrical Release: October 30, 1948 (Limited) by Universal
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Drama, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction


Former POW Bill Saunders, now living in England, is scarred with unstable and violent tendencies. After killing a man in a bar fight, he flees the scene and manages to find cover in the home of Nurse Jane Wharton, who agrees to take him in and believes his story that the killing was an accident. Now in love, Nurse Wharton tries to secure Saunders a job delivering medical supplies when he’s released from prison after serving time for fighting with a police officer. Things take a turn, however, when a racketeer who witnessed Saunders’ murder threatens to turn him into the police unless he agrees to assist in a crime.

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Blood on the Moon
Blood on the Moon
Director: Robert Wise
Lead Roles: Robert Mitchum as Jim Garry, Barbara Bel Geddes as Amy Lufton, Robert Preston as Tate Riling
Initial Theatrical Release: November 21, 1948 (Limited) by RKO Radio Pictures
Keywords: Romance
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Western, Live Action, Historical Fiction

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The Big Clock
Director: John Farrow
Initial Theatrical Release: April 9, 1948 (Limited) by Paramount Pictures
Classification: Drama, Live Action

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Easter Parade
Initial Theatrical Release: July 8, 1948 (Wide)
Domestic BO:

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Red River
Domestic BO:

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