"Gratuitous Cameos, Remake (Source)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Jul 15, 2016Ghostbusters $144,000,000$46,018,755$128,350,574$229,008,658
Apr 13, 2012The Three Stooges $30,000,000$17,010,125$44,338,224$54,052,249
Aug 20, 2010Piranha 3D $24,000,000$10,106,872$25,003,155$83,660,160
May 9, 1997Father's Day $85,000,000$8,776,159$28,681,080$35,681,080

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Gratuitous Cameos - Remake (Source)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

3-D2 - 3-D - Post-production Conversion2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Comedy3 - Horror1

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction2 - Science Fiction2

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel18 - Based on Factual Book/Article4 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story19 - Based on Game1 - Based on Movie2 - Based on Musical Group1 - Based on Musical or Opera2 - Based on Play2 - Based on Real Life Events27 - Based on Short Film2 - Based on Theme Park Ride1 - Based on Toy3 - Based on TV19 - Based on Web Series2 - Compilation1 - Original Screenplay129 - Spin-Off2

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Animation/Live Action1 - Live Action3

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

PG1 - PG-132 - R1