Market Charts > Creative Types

Note: Figures for 2025 are at an annualized rate.

Market Share for Each Creative Type 1995-2025

RankCreative TypeMoviesTotal Box OfficeTicketsShare
1 Contemporary Fiction 8,520 $104,704,358,226 15,646,041,175 39.47%
2 Kids Fiction 664 $37,386,696,929 4,969,769,334 14.09%
3 Science Fiction 895 $34,147,260,307 4,598,848,042 12.87%
4 Super Hero 190 $26,478,450,839 3,174,440,460 9.98%
5 Fantasy 791 $21,007,250,640 2,897,917,530 7.92%
6 Historical Fiction 1,723 $20,053,695,316 3,001,806,320 7.56%
7 Dramatization 1,379 $17,764,468,478 2,437,228,267 6.70%
8 Factual 2,779 $3,405,320,436 476,447,552 1.28%
9 Multiple Creative Types 52 $135,314,581 16,804,453 0.05%

Our Theatrical Market pages are based on the Domestic Theatrical Market performance only. The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).

The yearly amounts on our Theatrical Market pages are based on box office years. Each box office year starts on the first Monday of the year, so the previous year ends on the Sunday before the first Monday. For example, the "2017 box office year" started on January 2, 2017 so the "2016 box office year" ended on Sunday, January 1, 2017.