Daily Domestic Chart for Friday June 4, 2004

See also: Jun 4, 2003 Daily Chart - May 28, 2004 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 N Harry Potter and the Pris… Warner Bros. $38,268,295     3,855 $9,927 $38,268,295 1
2 (1) Shrek 2 Dreamworks SKG $10,400,000 +105% -52% 4,131 $2,518 $287,000,000 17
3 (2) The Day After Tomorrow 20th Century… $8,400,000 +103% -66% 3,444 $2,439 $109,000,000 8
4 (3) Raising Helen Walt Disney $2,000,000 +86% -46% 2,721 $735 $19,500,000 8
5 (4) Troy Warner Bros. $1,700,000 +64% -53% 2,750 $618 $115,000,000 22
7 (5) Mean Girls Paramount Pi… $800,000 +59% -47% 1,817 $440 $76,000,000 36
6 (7) Soul Plane MGM $800,000 +111% -60% 1,566 $511 $9,000,000 8
8 (6) Van Helsing Universal $700,000 +51% -50% 2,055 $341 $112,900,000 29
9 (8) Man on Fire 20th Century… $300,000 +54% -40% 683 $439 $74,600,000 43
10 (9) Super Size Me IDP Distribu… $250,000 +92% -17% 205 $1,220 $5,600,000 29
- (-) On the Downlow Cinema Con S… $109 +581% -8% 1 $109 $1,149 8
Our box office charts are compiled from data provided to us by distributors. To be included on our charts, please send reports to bodata@the-numbers.com.