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French - Box Office History
The Numbers - Box Office Data, Movie Stars, Idle Speculation
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Box Office History for French Movies

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Released    Movie Name    1st Weekend    US Gross    Worldwide Gross    Budget   
6/16/1954 Les vacances de M. Hulot - $62,082 - -
3/13/2009 Dédé, à travers les brumes - $1,548,858 - -
6/4/2009 Ne te retourne pas - - $650,018 -
6/11/2009 Je vais te manquer - - $703,403 -
6/12/2009 Les Beaux Gosses - - $5,152,345 -
7/3/2009 La fille de Monaco $83,755 $602,992 $6,016,441 -
7/8/2009 De père en flic - $10,644,453 - -
7/31/2009 Le silence de Lorna $34,411 $338,795 $5,138,795 -
8/21/2009 Inglourious Basterds $38,054,676 $120,831,050 $320,389,438 $70,000,000
9/11/2009 Donne-moi la main $2,434 $2,434 - -
2/26/2010 Un Prophète $163,773 $2,087,720 $12,081,833 $13,000,000
3/12/2010 Le hérisson $34,477 $828,801 $16,835,188 -
5/19/2010 Deux de la vague $5,676 $28,808 - -
5/21/2010 Le père de mes enfants $10,414 $144,022 - -
5/28/2010 Micmacs $42,751 $1,259,693 $11,756,922 $42,000,000
5/28/2010 L'enfant prodige - $773,615 - -
6/11/2010 Les amours imaginaires - $578,493 - -
6/18/2010 Le baiser du barbu - $249,519 - -
6/25/2010 Les herbes folles $39,162 $403,952 $1,903,952 $14,000,000
8/27/2010 L'instinct de mort $152,873 $551,697 - -
9/10/2010 L'arnacouer $52,628 $504,030 $34,936,771 -
9/15/2010 Kings of Pastry $15,162 $336,386 - -
12/25/2010 L'illusionniste $38,594 $2,231,474 $2,946,996 $17,000,000
12/31/2010 J'ai tué me mère - - - -
Totals $144,008,874 $433,432,469 $156,000,000
Averages $7,200,444 $21,671,623 $31,200,000

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