Most Popular Movies 1941

This chart shows the 1941 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 1941 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 1941 - Top 1941 Worldwide

Western Union
Director: Fritz Lang
Initial Theatrical Release: February 21, 1941 (Limited)
Classification: Western

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Sergeant York
Director: Howard Hawks
Lead Roles: Gary Cooper as Alvin C. York, Walter Brennan as Pastor Rosier Pile, Joan Leslie as Gracie Williams
Initial Theatrical Release: September 27, 1941 (Wide)
Keywords: Biographical Drama, Biography, World War I, 1910s, War, Historical Battles, Christians, Poverty, Single Parent
Classification: Based on Real Life Events, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:

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Caught in the Draft
Caught in the Draft
Director: David Butler
Lead Roles: Bob Hope as Don Bolton, Dorothy Lamour as Antoinette Fairbanks
Initial Theatrical Release: July 4, 1941 (Limited) by Paramount Pictures
Keywords: Romance, World War II
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction

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The Shepherd of the Hills
The Shepherd of the Hills
Director: Henry Hathaway
Lead Roles: John Wayne as Young Matt, Betty Field as Sammy Lane, Harry Carey as Daniel Howitt
Initial Theatrical Release: July 18, 1941 (Limited) by Paramount Pictures
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Drama, Live Action, Historical Fiction

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