July 28th, 2020
It is a deceptively slow week on the home market. On the one hand, there are no first-run releases to talk about. On the other hand, the TV on DVD season is starting in earnest and there are several intriguing titles worth checking out, both big and small. The release I’m looking forward to the most is O Maidens In Your Savage Season (Blu-ray). However, I will admit Orange is the New Black: The Final Season (DVD) will have a much wider appeal and it is the Pick of the Week. The third contender for that title is Wonder Woman: The Complete Collection (Blu-ray).
June 30th, 2020
The pandemic continues to have an adverse effect on the entertainment industry as a whole, including the home market, with the result that there are no major releases to talk about this week. There are some smaller releases, like The Ghost of Peter Sellers and The Short History of the Long Road, that are worth checking out. Orca: The Killer Whale! is in the “So bad it’s good” camp. That leaves Come and See: The Criterion Collection as the clear winner for Pick of the Week.