Body Parts (Announced)

Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office n/a
Further financial details...


For too long cinema has been dominated by the male gaze. An insightful and revealing documentary feature, BODY PARTS shows the evolution of desire and “sex” on-screen from a female perspective––allowing women to reclaim the parts of themselves that have been objectified and exploited for decades. Illuminating the closely-held secrets of a tight-lipped industry still ruled by capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy, BODY PARTS uncovers the often invisible processes involved in creating intimacy for mainstream American film and television, the toll these scenes exact on those directly involved, and the impact on women and girls in the real world.


Movie Details

Running Time: 86 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Source:Based on Real Life Events
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Factual
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

Weekend Box Office Performance

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance

Production and Technical Credits

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. Video Sales
  5. Cast & Crew
  6. Trailer


For too long cinema has been dominated by the male gaze. An insightful and revealing documentary feature, BODY PARTS shows the evolution of desire and “sex” on-screen from a female perspective––allowing women to reclaim the parts of themselves that have been objectified and exploited for decades. Illuminating the closely-held secrets of a tight-lipped industry still ruled by capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy, BODY PARTS uncovers the often invisible processes involved in creating intimacy for mainstream American film and television, the toll these scenes exact on those directly involved, and the impact on women and girls in the real world.


Movie Details

Running Time: 86 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Source:Based on Real Life Events
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Factual
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

Production and Technical Credits

Weekend Box Office Performance

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance