Weekend Domestic Chart for January 8, 1988

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) 3 Men and a Baby Walt Disney $8,103,282 -38% 1,804 n/c $4,492 $94,709,861 7
2 (4) Broadcast News 20th Century… $4,301,846 -27% 681 n/c $6,317 $22,374,949 4
3 (3) Eddie Murphy Raw Paramount Pi… $3,932,759 -39% 1,488 -6 $2,643 $39,136,802 4
4 (2) Throw Momma From the Train Orion Pictures $3,721,187 -46% 1,623 +2 $2,293 $42,747,260 5
5 (5) *batteries not included Universal $2,833,330 -41% 1,346 -21 $2,105 $23,121,259 4
6 (6) Wall Street 20th Century… $2,817,932 -37% 988 -1 $2,852 $26,643,104 5
7 (7) Planes, Trains & Automobiles Paramount Pi… $2,659,500 -34% 1,571 -113 $1,693 $42,783,481 7
8 (8) Overboard MGM/UA Classics $2,648,634 -32% 1,135 +8 $2,334 $16,882,934 4
9 (9) Fatal Attraction Paramount Pi… $2,636,803 -23% 1,273 -15 $2,071 $133,029,549 17
10 (10) Empire of the Sun Warner Bros. $1,822,927 -43% 673 n/c $2,709 $14,574,930 5
11 (13) Dirty Dancing Vestron $991,137 -22% 809 -46 $1,225 $57,288,167 21
12 (18) Maurice $33,196 -12% 17 -1 $1,953 $2,229,133 54
13 (17) I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing Miramax $31,955 -29% 22 -5 $1,453 $1,228,732 18
14 (19) Walker Universal $1,559 -45% 1 n/c $1,559 $216,108 6
14 $36,536,047
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