Weekend Domestic Chart for July 9, 1982

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) ET: The Extra-Terrestrial Universal $12,415,037 -28% 1,374 +51 $9,036 $106,680,622 5
2 N Tron Walt Disney $4,761,795   1,091   $4,365 $4,761,795 1
3 (3) Rocky 3 MGM $4,459,637 -17% 1,240 -77 $3,596 $79,325,537 7
4 (2) Firefox Warner Bros. $3,653,653 -32% 1,304 +128 $2,802 $30,958,335 4
5 (7) Poltergeist MGM $3,246,527 -24% 1,030 -30 $3,152 $42,746,527 6
6 (5) Annie Sony Pictures $3,146,153 -37% 1,068 -15 $2,946 $31,172,057 8
7 (6) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Paramount Pi… $2,767,243 -39% 1,030 -220 $2,687 $61,133,473 6
8 (4) Blade Runner Warner Bros. $2,505,551 -53% 970 -355 $2,583 $19,002,404 3
9 (8) The Thing Universal $1,921,742 -35% 753 -157 $2,552 $11,540,408 3
10 (11) The Sword and the Sorcerer Group 1 $1,900,803 +18% 302 -7 $6,294 $31,386,005 12
11 (10) Author! Author! 20th Century… $1,244,293 -34% 466 -38 $2,670 $9,899,680 4
12 (12) Porky's 20th Century… $1,109,518 -21% 696 -39 $1,594 $100,317,118 17
13 (16) Diner MGM $901,404 +128% 180 +114 $5,008 $3,433,405 15
14 (14) Grease 2 Paramount Pi… $540,621 -23% 504 -146 $1,073 $13,202,650 5
15 (17) The Secret of Nimh MGM $504,410 +30% 230 +142 $2,193 $1,214,454 2
16 (15) Chariots of Fire Warner Bros. $355,233 -23% 335 +13 $1,060 $61,102,884 42
17 (13) Megaforce 20th Century… $341,941 -75% 339 -561 $1,009 $5,675,599 3
18 (19) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Warner Bros. $182,595 -41% 167 -70 $1,093 $10,829,042 8
18 $45,958,156
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