Weekend Domestic Chart for September 11, 1981

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (2) Arthur Warner Bros. $3,002,255 -40% 948 -1 $3,167 $42,646,628 9
2 (1) Raiders of the Lost Ark Paramount Pi… $2,422,842 -55% 900 -244 $2,692 $128,566,311 14
3 (3) An American Werewolf in London Universal $1,960,000 -45% 767 -58 $2,555 $17,220,287 4
4 (4) Stripes Columbia $1,906,000 -43% 1,100 +990 $1,733 $74,261,528 12
5 (5) First Monday in October Paramount Pi… $924,468 -55% 525 n/c $1,761 $9,434,570 4
6 (8) Private Lessons Jensen Farle… $555,563 -56% 156 -10 $3,561 $5,000,000 3
7 (9) Comin' at Ya! Filmways Pic… $439,117 -64% 180 -22 $2,440 $6,315,676 8
8 (12) Body Heat Warner Bros. $376,791 -47% 34 n/c $11,082 $2,123,244 3
9 (16) Gallipoli Paramount Pi… $100,176 -29% 6 +2 $16,696 $402,096 3
10 (15) Prince of the City Warner Bros. $89,684 -48% 5 n/c $17,937 $0 4
10 $11,776,896
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