Report Builder

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Genre: Min Budget (0m-533.2m):
Creative Type: Max Budget (0m-533.2m):
Domestic Theatrical Distributor: Min Release Year (1900-2031):
Production Method: Max Release Year (1900-2031):
Rating: Min Release Month (1-12):
Source: Max Release Month (1-12):
Production Country: Min Runtime (0m-2021m):
Production Company: Max Runtime (0m-2021m):
Keywords: Min Open. Wkd (0m-358m):
Not Used Not Used Max Open. Wkd (0m-358m):

Movies Meeting Criteria (Top 10 of 1000+, based on Domestic Box Office)

  Released Title Domestic
Box Office
Box Office
Box Office
1 Dec 18, 2015 Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens $936,662,225 $1,122,218,620 $2,058,880,845
2 Apr 26, 2019 Avengers: Endgame $858,373,000 $1,889,869,781 $2,748,242,781
3 Dec 17, 2021 Spider-Man: No Way Home $814,811,535 $1,093,721,184 $1,908,532,719
4 Dec 18, 2009 Avatar $785,221,649 $2,138,484,377 $2,923,706,026
5 May 27, 2022 Top Gun: Maverick $718,732,821 $745,667,412 $1,464,400,233
6 Feb 16, 2018 Black Panther $700,059,566 $634,097,516 $1,334,157,082
7 Dec 16, 2022 Avatar: The Way of Water $684,075,767 $1,633,438,619 $2,317,514,386
8 Apr 27, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War $678,815,482 $1,369,544,272 $2,048,359,754
9 Dec 19, 1997 Titanic $674,460,013 $1,548,588,773 $2,223,048,786
10 Jun 12, 2015 Jurassic World $653,406,625 $1,017,657,016 $1,671,063,641
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