Market Charts > 2001 > Distributors > Universal

Box Office Performance for Universal Movies in 2001

2001 GrossTickets Sold
1 The Mummy Returns May 4, 2001 Adventure PG-13 $202,007,640 35,690,395
2 Jurassic Park III Jul 18, 2001 Action PG-13 $181,166,115 32,008,147
3 American Pie 2 Aug 10, 2001 Comedy R $145,096,820 25,635,480
4 The Fast and the Furious Jun 22, 2001 Action PG-13 $144,512,310 25,532,210
5 Spy Game Nov 21, 2001 Action R $61,453,515 10,857,511
6 K-PAX Oct 26, 2001 Drama PG-13 $50,315,140 8,889,600
7 A Beautiful Mind Dec 21, 2001 Drama PG-13 $37,779,241 6,674,777
8 The Family Man Dec 22, 2000 Comedy PG-13 $32,619,705 5,763,198
9 The Musketeer Sep 7, 2001 Adventure PG-13 $27,053,815 4,779,825
10 How High Dec 21, 2001 Comedy R $24,098,250 4,257,641
11 Josie and the Pussycats Apr 11, 2001 Comedy PG-13 $14,252,830 2,518,167
12 Head Over Heels Feb 2, 2001 Romantic Comedy PG-13 $10,397,365 1,836,990
13 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Nov 17, 2000 Adventure PG $6,677,370 1,179,747
14 Mulholland Drive Oct 8, 2001 Thriller/Suspense R $5,780,033 1,021,207
15 Meet the Parents Oct 6, 2000 Comedy PG-13 $4,899,550 865,644
16 Le pacte des loups Jan 11, 2002 Action R $401,634 70,960
17 A Hard Day's Night Aug 11, 1964 Comedy G $383,853 67,818
Total Gross of All Movies$948,895,186
Total Tickets Sold167,649,317

Note: This chart ranks movies by the amount they earned during 2001. It includes movies released in previous years that earned money during 2001. For example, a movie released over Thanksgiving in 2010 will most likely earn money in 2010 and 2011. Click on the individual movie to see its total gross over all the years in which it played.

Inflation-adjusted figures are based ticket sale estimates, and may not be precise due to rounding errors.

Our Theatrical Market pages are based on the Domestic Theatrical Market performance only. The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).

The yearly amounts on our Theatrical Market pages are based on box office years. Each box office year starts on the first Monday of the year, so the previous year ends on the Sunday before the first Monday. For example, the "2017 box office year" started on January 2, 2017 so the "2016 box office year" ended on Sunday, January 1, 2017.