Weekly (Fri-Thu) Domestic Chart Starting on April 30, 1982

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weeks In
1 (1) Porky's 20th Century… $5,752,396 -19% 1,414 -60 $4,068 $68,178,296 7
2 N Partners Paramount Pi… $2,765,200   877   $3,153 $2,765,200 1
3 (3) Chariots of Fire Warner Bros. $2,311,394 -19% 798 -7 $2,896 $48,054,898 32
4 (4) If You Could See What I Hear Jensen Farle… $2,243,894 -15% 558 +34 $4,021 $4,891,464 2
5 (2) On Golden Pond Universal $2,016,268 -32% 953 +209 $2,116 $100,560,384 22
6 (6) Victor/Victoria MGM $1,536,747 -29% 559 -47 $2,749 $12,862,315 7
7 (10) Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip Sony Pictures $1,211,783 +7% 663 +50 $1,828 $33,486,277 8
8 (8) Deathtrap Warner Bros. $1,065,424 -26% 517 -84 $2,061 $15,585,187 7
9 (9) Quest for Fire 20th Century… $901,863 -34% 340 -86 $2,653 $18,834,777 12
9 $19,804,969
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